Saturday, 28 July 2012

Egg and Bacon

26-27 July 2012
Egg and Bacon
26 July – I made egg and bacon but they did not turned out fine. After I baked, the egg was not flat, looked like egg chip. I tried to figure out why it was not flat, is it because I rolled it too thinly or I did not lay it flat while baking. As for the bacon, the colour was too dark. Seem like I needed to rework on them.

27 July – I reworked on the egg and bacon. I tried to be careful on the mistake I made on the previous day. They turned out well now.


24-25 July 2012
I used two days to make 1:3 and 1:6 macarons. 

On the first day, I made raspberry macaroon, I am not very satisfy with it. The shell and cream of the macaroon were too bulky. And the colour of the raspberry was too red and from far it looked like strawberry so I think I need to add more details to it. 

On the second day, I tried to refine the raspberry and shell but it turned out that the shell of the macaroon was too thin. For the raspberry, I used too much translucent red and it turned out too pinkish. I decided to another one. The third raspberry macaroon was so much better than the other two that I had made. 

Finally I made 1:6 macaroons but due to the time constrain, I only manage to do four. 

Wagashi (Japanese Confectionery)

23 July 2012
Wagashi  is a traditional Japanese confectionery. According to Wikipedia, they are normally served with tea.

I am quite pleased with the end product. I am not sure what scale I had made, per wagashi was about 0.8-0.9cm. I love their unvarnished look so I don’t intent to gloss them. 

Sunday, 22 July 2012


21 July 2012
Today is the 11th day since I started polymer clay. I feel that making miniature from polymer clay is easy but making it looks realistic is the most difficult part. I am a perfectionist and get very frustrated when it didn’t turn out to what I expected. 

The icing on the donuts that I made was very messy. It was very difficult to control. As you can see from the photo, some donuts had other colour of the icing at the sides. I tried to wipe away but it got even messier. It is very hard to explain in words of my whole process. I nearly want to trash them away, but decided to keep them after seeing all the nice comments on my works in deviantART. Thanks to all the deviants who added my works as favorite and advice me how to improve on them. Every favorite, comment and advise is very important to me.

Saturday, 21 July 2012


19 July 2012
Pancakes (With Maple Syrup/ Blueberry/ Strawberry)
After the disappointing result of the green tea mousse cake I made yesterday, I decided to try something easy today. I chose to do pancake. 

I started off with making the blueberry and strawberry. I did a few and set them aside. Then I continued with the pancakes. All went on smoothing except for the whipped cream. It was disaster and very messy. After piping the mixed white clay with liquid clay on my working table, I tried transferring it to the pancake but I could not. It was very difficult to carry it up without destroying the shape I wanted. It was too sticky and struck on my table. I had to try several times before I got it right. By then my work area was full of tissue paper due to the massive cleaning. Next thought that came to my mind was how am I going to clean the piping tip, I started to worry. Suddenly, I remembered my friend told me that since polymer clay use oil to soften, why not try to use it to clean my tools as well. I was very happy that this method works. Finally, I drizzled the sauce on the stacked pancakes. 

Here are the photos of the pancakes I made ^^ Sigh... sorry photos are not sharp again, find it difficult to take mini without micro lens, should I invest on one?


Green Tea Mousse Cake

18 July 2012
Green Tea Mousse Cake with Green Tea Macaroon
I flipped though all the cakes and pastries books I bought over the years. Ideas started flowing in, there were a lot cakes I wanted to make with polymer clay. I finally decided on green tea mousse cake. 

I thought this would be easy, just need to top green clay on brown clay and textured the side of the cake. But it was not. The green I mixed was too dark, can’t tell that it was green tea. The proportion of the macaroon was too big and all sides of the cake were not straight. 

I am quite disappointed with this. I think I need to practice more on the scale and mixing colour.


17 July 2012
Breads (Croissant, Baguette, Boule)
Though I spend 3 hours made all these breads but it was fun, not as difficult as I thought. I like how they turned out. Photos are not very sharp TT.TT

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Start my blog today ^^

I will be starting my blog today ^^ Below-mentioned are what I have done over the past four days (11-14 July 2012).

11 July 2012
Lemon Cane
For the past one month, I am busy doing research on clay and start gathering for the items that I needed. I have been wondering what should I start first? Fruit cane, bread, cake, ice-cream or crepe? 

On 11 July 2012, I am very excited as this is my first clay making. I decided to start on lemon cane. I slowly unwrapped my clay and cut the desire size that I needed. My mood went down when I cut it, the clay I purchased online is not fresh and very dry plus I forgot to wipe the blade, it is dirty. I accidently cut my index finger when I try to wipe the blade clean. Sigh... it was not my day. I spend some time kneading and adding oil to soften my clay. After done, both my thumb and index fingers were cramp and painful. 

After conditioned my clay, I followed closely to the tutorial I found online. It didn’t turn out well, all the colour start merging together after I rolled out the clay. I did not take a photo of it so unable to show how badly I have done.

12 July 2012
Cha Shu Ramen
Due to the insufficient white, translucent and yellow clay, I can’t make another lemon cane. I decided to make ramen today. This is not my idea, I followed the tutorial from Toni Ellison. Mine did not turn out as perfect as hers. The shape of the bowl is lopsided and I accidentally touched it without knowing that my hands were dirty. The ramen I made was too thick, it looked like udon. 

I spend about 3 hours making it and I accidently cut myself again. 

Attached is the end product.

13 July 2012
Cinnamon Roll
Due to the all the kneading for the past two days, both my fingers were very cramp now. I am not sure is it because I am not use to the kneading or it is due to the stale clay. Think I should invest on a pasta machine. 

I will be making cinnamon roll today. It is a lot more simple than making ramen. The plate is purchased online.

14 July 2012
Baking and varnishing my clay
I finally got an oven for clay today. My plan for today is baking and varnishing. 

I had hard time figuring the temperature to bake because I did not buy an oven thermometer. And it is very confusing because some website baked their clay at lower temperature with longer time, while others were higher temperature with shorter time. I did not know which to follow. 

Initially, I followed the clay instruction but my clay did not harden when they were out from the oven so I decided to turn up the temperature. This time, they turned out hard. Finally I got the result I wanted. I left them cool for about an hour before varnishing. ^^