Saturday 29 September 2012

Breads (Croissant, Baguette, Boule)

24, 27 and 28 September 2012
Breads (Croissant, Baguette, Boule)
The first bread that I made was on July 2012. I darken the colour of the bread as I feel that the colour for those previous breads was too light. I didn’t varnish these breads except for the croissant. Overall, I feel that they are better than the previous time.


  1. your photos are really nice! what lense and camera do you use, i really want a macro lense T_T!

    1. i also wish to own a macro lense but it is too expensive T.T. mine is taken with Nikon D80 camera and DAF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G lense.
